I absolutely love this post. I totally relate and agree. It really resonated with me. I definitely can relate to having an on/off again arc when it comes to college. Seeing people I went to school with already graduating and starting their big careers really made me feel left behind in some sort of way. I learned later on to not compare my timeline with others. Everyone’s path is different. The things that other people may want in life are not necessarily what you want in yours. It's nice and clear to have an idea of what you want your life to look like in the future but it's also great to keep other options in mind. After all, we as people are always growing and changing. Congratulations on graduating and I hope that this new era you're about to enter treats you well. xx

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Congrats on graduating! And The First Wives Club is such a good movie.

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jess-crates. jess-i mitchell. jess-us.

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